Liars always get caught | Teen Ink

Liars always get caught

July 25, 2013
By Stephanie09 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Stephanie09 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everything was just a big mistake. If I didn’t mess around and just cared a little bit more, I wouldn’t be feeling this way. I’ve thought about it every day since I found out. How my best friends since third grade and my boyfriend of one year and five months could do this to me. How they could care less about my feelings and how this would affect me, but obviously they didn’t care, or else they wouldn’t have done it.

My boyfriend and I had broken up three times within our relationship, but we still acted like we dated. We we’re always together. We fought more often when we weren’t dating though, mostly because of jealousy. I had many people tell me about them, how they did stuff behind my back. I believed them at first because I always had my suspicion. I would ask them both every time I herd it. I thought they would tell me the truth, but I was wrong. They both sat there every day telling me lies, knowing that I would never figure it out because I was so gullible.

The day I found out was horrible. I cried for hours until I fell asleep. I didn’t eat, talk, and I wouldn’t leave my room except for school. I felt like I was nothing without him, but at the same time, I didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. I didn’t want to see either of them. They were dead to me. They ruined a big part of my life. I don’t understand how someone can just throw away everything you’ve worked for. It just doesn’t make sense. Why would someone spend years with you and just give up? There isn’t a single day that goes by with out my thinking about it. I wish I had done something about it when I found out, too late now.

Clearly, cheating is a serious matter. It affects people in so many different ways. The worst part is that any one can do it, even if you’ve been married for 30 years. Cheating is not a “mistake,” it’s a choice that they make. It ruins people’s lives. People get so hurt when it happens to them. Normally, the person cheating wont stop to think about what they’re doing. They would be so caught up in the moment. I got very sick from it. It destroyed my friend ship with my best friend and my relationship with the person I love cause they did something stupid. I am never going to be able to let this down. I hope they don’t either.

As you can see, it was a disappointing thing for them to do. Maybe if I had just cared a little more, they would have never done it. I feel like it’s kind of my fault too. It’s still not an excuse for what they had done. No one who has been cheated on is going to be able to let go of that memory.

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