Meeting My Mother | Teen Ink

Meeting My Mother

July 25, 2013
By AlliBoo BRONZE, Auburn, New York
AlliBoo BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyone's gunna hurt you, you just have to find the ones worth suffering for . -bob marly

The beginning of this summer the most scary, exciting and crazy thing happened to me. I met my mother for the first time I can remember in my whole life. It was the spring at the moment kind of thing. My father and I were sitting in Ruby Tuesdays at Destiny USA (A huge mall about 45 minutes from my home town) eating lunch and then out of nowhere he asked me if I wanted to meet my mother. At first I didn’t think he was being serious but by the look on his face I could tell he was. Of course I said “yes” because I never met her before. I didn’t know what the outcome of this situation would be so I was very nervous.

In the car ride there I could feel my stomach tighten and my hands and face start to get sweaty. When we were outside of her house in my dad’s car, he looked at me and asked, “Are you ready?” I looked at him and said “as ready as I’m going to get.” My mom’s house is in a very quiet neighborhood in Camillus, New York. The car ride there was only 15 minutes from the mall we were at. As we got out of the car and went onto the porch my dad started knocking. I was still nervous but relieved at the fact we made it this far. My grandma answered the door. She already knew who I was and started hugging me as tight as you can hug someone. She said, "We have praying you would come back into our lives." I felt very welcomed. She sat us down and went to go get my mother.

There were only two things I knew about my mother. One she was blind and two she had to wear a prosthetic face because of how she was blinded. As she felt her way into the living room I could feel my heartbeat. My mother looks just like me. She sat next to me and hugged me tightly. I was speechless. She told me it’s okay to be scared or nervous because she was too. About 10 minutes of sitting there in shock and tears we started talking. We have so much in common it’s unbelievable. I have two younger sisters that live with her. Both of her parents are still alive and I have two 2 uncles and 3 aunts on her side. She told me since she is blind she lives in an apartment attached to her parents house (the house we were in). As we were sitting there talking she asked to feel my face since she can’t see me. I let her. I could feel her smooth fingers glide across my face. She said “I know you’re beautiful without even looking”. That made me feel real good to know she thinks I am beautiful. After she was done, she took off this beautiful shiny opal ring that her grandmother gave her. She felt for my hands and put the ring on my finger and said, “I was waiting to give this to you, it’s your ring now”. It was really a breathtaking ring. A little while after talking some more, She showed us around and we talked some more but it was getting late and I and my father had to go home. We traded number and she said to make plans anytime. While my father and me were walking out to leave I was so happy. I’m glad this huge issue of in my life was resolved and went as well as it did.

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