Coronado vs. SFC | Teen Ink

Coronado vs. SFC

May 31, 2013
By ZKoz99 BRONZE, Coronado, California
ZKoz99 BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Coronado vs. SFC
When the Coronado Islanders played Santa Fe Christian we didn’t have the best game. However, the highlight for me, was playing defense. I love to play defense and I really hate playing offense. When I was playing defense I had I think 1 tackle, 1 sack, and 1 fumble recovery. The fumble recovery was the main highlight for me though. I jumped up to block a pass but then one of my teammates tackled the quarterback and I saw the ball fly out of his hands. So as soon as I landed back on the ground I picked up the ball and started running, I ran anywhere around 50-60 yards then got tackled at the 10 yard line. Then I saw a flag and the referee said illegal block on the defense, so that got called back roughly 50 yards to the other 40 yard line.

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