Emotions | Teen Ink


May 22, 2013
By Anonymous

I was happy. At that very moment I was as happy as a seven-year-old little girl on Christmas morning, after seeing the huge stack of perfectly wrapped presents sitting under the tree. I was as happy as a puppy when its owner walks up to him with a leash and says the word "walk". This was the kind of happy you experience when you find out you're going on a tropical vacation for a week with your best friend. Its the kind of happy that puts a smile on your face from ear to ear with a million dollar smile. This isn't the kind of happy you get from passing a small quiz worth only 10 points, or the kind of happy you get from a little piece of chocolate with nuts in it. This is the happy you get when you win the lottery. This feeling of happiness is radiant and lets everyone around you know exactly how you feel. This is the happy that a boy gets at a baseball game when he catches his favorite players home run ball that wins the world series. This is the kind of happy you see in a senior girl who finds out she just won prom queen. This is the happy that seniors get when they graduate after passing four years of High School. This happy isn't the small smile you give an old friend in the hall way, this isn't the kind of happy that lasts for a few minutes either. This happy was special and surprising. That very moment when I opened the door to my surprise, I was happy.

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