Our World at Large | Teen Ink

Our World at Large

May 23, 2013
By Anonymous

At first I was just doing what I thought humans do. My main goal of the weekend was to grab your attention in crowded rooms or by bonfires with our friends. Followed by other goals like trying to make you laugh or having you respond to my late night texts. Day by day we started to not only take steps towards each other, but we began to move forward together. Telling our friends how we spent an hour playing Dragon Vill or playing soccer on the beach in attempts to win your family's approval.
As the weather got warmer and days became longer, my desire for you grew immensely. Floating upon the glassy surface of the placid pond, I watched your golden summer body, sun and salt water dyed hair as you laid on a paddle board. On July fourth I could see the fireworks in the distance reflect off you eyes and watched you smile as the fresh summer air blew around us. I knew that I needed you to be my side and wanted everyone to know. On the last day of summer after leaving your house, I went straight to the beach in attempt to trade the last fading summer sunset in return for one more sunrise so I could spend another full, care free day with you.
Waking up the next morning I realised those attempts did not stop the impending school year and seasons that laid before us. Laying in bed the next morning, trying to drown out my alarm, I remembered my favorite part of summer, the new feeling I could only feel around you. Laying their breathlessly I worried that I would never feel the same way for the rest of my life and knew the only way was to hold you closer and not let anything--not school--not sports--not even friends--get between us.
After roughing through the first five day stretch without seeing you I once again was able to feel that way again as I stood in the bleachers and watched you cheer. Impatiently, I waited for the never ending game to be over so I could finally get out of the crowd and find you. Weeks even months went by where my main pontifications were to find you on the other side of the fence. As my love for you continued to grow, the temperature began to drastically drop. Holding your cold hands I could still feel the same feeling I had laying with you in the warm sand of Sandy Beach or happiness of watching you struggle at games at Dave and Busters. My lifetime-least-favorite season, winter, was different now that I had you.
A winter typically filled with dark days, black ice and frozen bodies was now filled with Patriots games, parties, Christmas and your birthday. Breaking through thick sheets of ice or mountains of snow were merely small obstacles that never kept us apart. As the ice melted and snow stopped falling, I never stopped falling for you.
Rushing off lacrosse fields to find you is my favorite moment of the day. Almost twelve months later, I open my eyes to your face inches away from mine blocking the bright spring sun. Looking deep into your crystal blue eyes I find myself significantly more lost then I was when you first told me you loved me as I slinked away from your house, trying not to wake your father: lost...looking down the long, windy down road we made for ourselves, my only regret is that this road, our history is not longer.
I wish it had started the day you moved to Cohasset. Long before I met you I knew there was something missing in my life, but I could never identify what it was. The moment I kissed you, I realised that you are the missing part of my life. You are my other half and I mean that with everything I have and everything I stand for. Every time as the sun sets marks another reason to love you. Just like the sun will never stop raising I will never stop loving you.

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