Visiting Day | Teen Ink

Visiting Day

May 14, 2013
By Brooke Kiront BRONZE, Dix Hills, New York
Brooke Kiront BRONZE, Dix Hills, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Visiting day was finally here! The day my friends and I had all been waiting for. I was barely able to sleep the night before and I was woken by the sound of music blasting on the speakers. I immediately popped out of bed, got ready and did some last minute cleaning. When we arrived at breakfast I was not able to eat because I was so excited. After breakfast, my friends and I sat anxiously awaiting the arrival of our parents under the dining hall tent.

“5,4,3,2,1,” everyone chanted as they cut the rope and parents rushed into camp barreling down others. It was as if parents had seen their children in years however it had only been four weeks. Up ahead, I was able to see my parents setting up our chairs, blanket and other things in our usual spot. We always sit right in between the two humongous oak trees right in front of the lake. My sister and I ran as fast as our legs could take us and practically attacked our parents. It was like we hadn’t seen each other in decades.

The first thing we did was talk. We spoke for somewhere around an hour about everything from how our summers have been to the amazing new activities we have tried. I told them basically everything there was to know about camp and how much I loved being there. I then looked through some of the many bags full of food and things that my parents had brought for me to enjoy. The two of them brought me so many bags full of candy, chips and snacks that I could open a supermarket. As I stuff my face with piles of junk food we continued to talk. After that, we ate lunch. There was a huge barbeque with juicy hamburgers, hotdogs, messy ribs, crunchy potato chips, sweet watermelon and refreshing soda.

As we hiked up the huge tiring hill to girl’s side, we stopped at nature and I showed my parents some of the animals there. We saw cute goats, sheep, chicken, fish and a bunny. Then finally, we were there. About to enter the Princess Palace, home to G9-1/2. I immediately presented my bed, a top bunk in the corner. My area was very neat and my tie-dye bedding had not one crease or crinkle in it. They looked around my bunk for about fifteen minutes and then we headed back down to our spot by the lake.
When we arrived at our spot, my family and I went on the pirate ship around the lake. Next we headed for the tent where my parents enrolled me as a camper for next summer. I entered a few raffles for my bunk such as a pizza party and extra canteen. After that I took them to ceramics to pick up the snowman I had made. My parents thought that my snowman was fantastic.
After walking around camp for majority of the day, my family was tired so we sat back down in our spot where we talked and ate some more. Soon there was an announcement made that there was only thirty minutes left of visiting day twenty twelve. We then packed up our things and my parents walked my sister and I back up to our bunks where we said our final goodbyes. I would see them again in just three short weeks. I had such a wonderful day. If only it didn’t go so fast.

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