That Boy | Teen Ink

That Boy

May 19, 2013
By Hannah125 SILVER, Central, South Carolina
Hannah125 SILVER, Central, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you live to be 100, I want to live to 100 minus a day, so I'll never have to live without you."

Those eyes and that smile. They capture me and hold me captive. His eyes are grayish blue, like the sky after it rains. His smile is beautiful, so straight and white. He’s just so perfect, almost too good to be true. Little did I know that he was too good to be true.

We met at church. Weeks went by and we never spoke a word to each other. When he joined the church band, I was so happy and it made butterflies erupt in my stomach. I learned that his name was Zach. He was a sophomore at Carthage High School. At that time, I was an eighth grader at Webb City Jr. High. Our schools were huge rivals. I learned that he was only 15, so that made my 14 year old heart jump with joy. I thought I could actually have a shot at this guy.

Throughout our band meetings and church, I got to know Zach. He was sweet and a Christian, which was a huge bonus. He was a MAA fighter and he was good. The day he told me that, we were in the dining hall of the church, waiting for Pastor Derek. We talked about everything. I was cold and I started to shiver. He offered his jacket and I gladly took it. He smiled that beautiful smile as I put it on.

He played the guitar while I sang. I could feel him looking at me, just burning a hole through my head. When practice was over, he came up to me and told me that I did amazing. I thanked him and gave him his hoodie back.

I got teased by my sister for liking him. Each time she brought up his name, I would blush like crazy. It didn’t take long for me to fall head over heels for him. Somehow I knew he was falling for me too. I knew by the way he would smile at me, and how his eyes lit up every time I walked in the room.

My mom didn’t approve at him because he was in high school, but I didn’t care. One time when my mom was out of town, my grandma took Zach and me to see Courageous. Zach and I sat towards the bottom, just chatting before the movie started. As the movie started, I waited for him to hold my hand. He never looked at me. I felt my heart sink below my stomach. But then he started to rub his arm, so I leaned over and asked what happened as I rubbed that purplish bruise. He told me that he got it in training. I continued to rub it, when all of a sudden, he reached over and laced our fingers together. They fit perfectly, like a pair of mittens. I turned back to the movie, smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

When the movie was over, Zach told me that he wanted to hold my hand forever. I just couldn’t stop smiling. The next time I saw him, he gave me a note explaining how he felt about me and why. I still have that note and I read it every once in a while.

Everything was going great, until my mom told me that we were moving. I didn’t want to go because Zach and I were finally becoming a couple. I didn’t go to church for two weeks, and on my last Sunday there, he wouldn’t even look at me. I saw nothing but hatred on his face. He didn’t even say goodbye to me. I went home and cried myself to sleep. I thought he was better than that. I guess he was too good to be true.

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