Sweet Sixteen | Teen Ink

Sweet Sixteen

May 19, 2013
By Anonymous

The day had finally come, Madi was turning sixteen! She had been looking forward to this day for what seemed like forever. Madi was one of the youngest of her friends, with a summer birthday. She was ready to be able to drive and do all of the other things her friends had been able to do for a couple months now.

Madi started her day by sleeping in and waking up to breakfast in bed. Her little brother had gotten up early to make her chocolate chip waffles, bacon, and orange juice. He had also made her a very nice card. This was the perfect start to the perfect day. Next up was presents! Madi had not asked for much. In her mind it was not about the gifts, it was about a day to celebrate and be thankful with family and friends. Madi received a new laptop, clothes, a new phone case, and some jewelry from her family. She got money and gift cards from all of her relatives. She felt so blessed.

Madi then went upstairs to get ready. She was going out with her friends to shop, go out to lunch, and get ice cream. She was so excited! The shopping was a blast and Madi was able to purchase many items with her birthday money and gift cards. Madi and her friends took their time wandering around the mall and just enjoying themselves. After the girls had shopped so much, they didn’t think they could go any longer they headed off to lunch. Since Madi was the birthday girl, she was the one who got to decide where they ate, and she chose Texas Road House. Even though Madi was now sixteen, she still had a stomach the size of a kindergartener. While all of her friends chose to get steaks, etc. she went with the kid’s meal mini cheeseburgers. Although this shocked many people, this is what made her happy.

After leaving lunch the girls were too full to get dessert right away. To pass time and let their stomachs settle, they decided to go see a movie. A new romance had just recently come out that they all wanted to see. While they were waiting for the movie to begin Madi got a text from her mom telling her that they were headed to the emergency room. Madi freaked and ran to the car to meet them there. On the way she called her mom to get more details on what happened. Her mom told her that her brother had been playing outside, tripped, and fell. They thought he had broken his arm, and so they were taking him in to get looked at by a doctor.

When Madi got to the hospital she found her family in the waiting room. The doctor had taken x-rays of his arm and they were waiting for the results. Not too long after that did the doctor call them back to see the results. Sadly, he had broken his arm, but the good news was that it was not very bad. The doctor would be able to give him a water proof cast so he would still be able to swim and have fun and he would only have to wear it for 6-8 weeks.

After all the craziness of the day, Madi and her family went home and ordered pizza for dinner. Although the day did not go as Madi had planned, she had nothing to complain about. Her day was full of memories she would never forget, which was really all she ever wanted. She felt terrible for her brother and really hoped he would have a fast recovery. She hoped this because she wanted him to get well in general, but also because her parents had left one more birthday surprise for dinner. The family was headed on a cruise to Mexico later that summer. It was not only a birthday present for Madi, but a fun vacation for the whole family. Madi was super excited and could not wait to tell of her friends. Her birthday turned out to a very special day, that was very eventful, and full of memories.

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