The War | Teen Ink

The War

May 5, 2013
By heythere471 BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
heythere471 BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The team leader pulled the van up the gravel drive and hopped out. We scrambled around him, unloading the equipment - face masks, camouflage covers, bulletproof vests, and semi-automatics. Bullets are poured into clips, guns cocked and loaded. We huddled together for a minute and TL wished us luck. Our formation set, we pushed out into the open.
Fire immediately began from all directions; the air alive with color and flying bullets, swarming with people running for cover and their groans as bullets hit skin. Splattered jackets were dropped to lighten the load. Our team rushed to back each other and keep moving toward the endpoint. The mud was thick and kept slowing our pace, swallowing our boots and stumbling legs, while we landed hard on our hands. Pushing up, I looked ahead and watched as team members grabbed the others’ arms and hauled each to their feet. We trudged through the swampy dirt, dodging bullets and dragging each other along. TL glanced back to squint through the rain and yelled to hustle behind him, there was only two more meters to go. As happy a sentiment as it was meant to be, no one was enlightened.
We approached an especially generous area of fire and summoned that last bit of energy. TL turned and ordered us into single file, one behind the other. This was the most testing part of our mission. I twisted my neck to see the team behind me when time slowed. A bullet whizzed through the air next to my head and hurled itself at the man behind me, who took it in the chest, landing hard on his shoulder and moaning. He writhed in the deep mud and made desperate eye contact with me. I turned toward the back of TL and screamed his name, shouting hysterically they had to wait and help me. TL grabbed one of the men behind him and pushed him back while urging the others along. A few looked back for a moment, then continued on. TL and the man picked up the fallen team member and wrapped his arms around their shoulders. He was gasping for breath and clutching his arm, but TL grunted and pulled him away. I followed behind, full with pure adrenaline.
We managed to catch up with the team who were crouched behind an old and peeling watch tower. TL warned the injured man, Jim, that we would have to run to the paramedics. Jim nodded and adjusted his arm to stand. I grabbed his other side and we started towards help. Locating the closest nurse, she ushered us under cover and examined the hurt shoulder. Jim tried to answer her questions, but once she had propped it up correctly, he passed out and let his head fall back. I shared a worried look with TL and he stepped away to call an ambulance.
I love paintball.

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