Loyalty | Teen Ink


May 13, 2013
By Anonymous

What does it mean to be loyal? Loyal the definition is faithful in allegiance. Now lets break this definition down, if a person is loyal they do what they are told and they stay by that persons side until the end or whenever whatever is happening is over. If it means so then loyal means to not abandon somebody in a time of need or keeping what you promised them. To be loyal is a very strong thing that can also be delicate at the same time.
There have been many occasions that have happened where people promise to help somebody or be there at a certain time. Once the time arrives that person is not there and they don’t live up to their expectations of what they promised. Like before loyalty is a delicate subject, there are many parts to it. Many people don’t consider the person that gave them their word and didn’t show up to be loyal to them anymore. To be loyal is to stay by that person’s side until the deed is done.
Now listen to this there are many loyal people and what they do is stay by that person’s side. I have seen many people stand up for others and remain loyal to them, those people became best friends. In my personal experience I have been let down many times. During these times not only was my loyalty to them tested but so was theirs. In this day and age many people have been let down to many times and because of this they do not trust anybody. They also feel that nobody has been or ever will be loyal to them.
Now what am I trying to get across here? Even though there are times that people will let you down others will pull through. You be the example for others, be the one that lights the way that way people will say that you are the loyal person and you are the one that does as he or she is told. All in all loyalty is a big thing that many people don’t think of. Loyalty can save you in a time of need, and be the thing that can make everyone trust once again.

The author's comments:
After a lot of what my friends and all the things that i see in the world it inspired me to write about the way loyalty can break people apart and the way it can save you in a time of need.

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