My Big Day | Teen Ink

My Big Day

April 30, 2013
By kaycamgo BRONZE, Westwego, Louisiana
kaycamgo BRONZE, Westwego, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right. I hope you have the time of your life"

I open my eyes and I feel the sunlight shining on my skin. I gaze out the window and smile at the romantic chirping of the birds in the trees. I close my eyes and excitement rushes over me as I remember that I am getting married today. I have been waiting for this day for months ever since I met the love of my life, Preston. I adore him with my entire being. When I see him, my heart melts and when I’m in his arms, I smile with joy and true happiness. I cannot wait until the church doors open and I see him waiting for me at the end of the aisle.

I get out of bed, get dressed, and walk into the kitchen. Ali, my best friend is standing in the kitchen with a large notepad. She goes through a checklist with me of things I will need for the wedding. I smile as she reads the list; the cake, the dress, the veil. It excites me and makes me happy inside hearing all of these items being read to me and knowing that I will be the one wearing the dress and I will be the one wearing the veil and walking down the aisle.

I fix myself some cereal and sit down at the table with Ali. She is still reading me the list while I eat. As I finish, I put the dishes away and I sit back down. Ali tells me that I have my hair appointment for 11:30. I look at the clock and it reads 11:03. Alarmed, I put some shoes on, hope in the car, and drive to the hair salon. When I arrive, my hairdresser, Katy greets me happily, sits me down in the chair, and begins doing my hair. She gropes about how happy she is for me that today is my wedding day and how excited she is so see me walk down the aisle. My hairdresser is one of my bridesmaids. She has always been there for me and she is one of my best friends. As she finishes my hair, I look in the mirror, satisfied, and I stand up. As I continue to observe myself in the mirror, I begin crying. I cry because I am so happy and I am so ready to meet my fiancé waiting for me at the end of the aisle.

As I slip into my white dress, my nerves begin to kick in. adrenaline and nervousness rushes through my body. My make up is done, my hair is done, my dress is now on, and I am ready to slip on my shoes and get into the limo.

As I get out of the limo, I walk up to the church doors and enter the vestibule. I hear chatters of the congregation inside of the church. My heart begins to race and I begin to feels tears building up. Thankfully, I hold my tears back. My nerves only grow more frantic as I watch my beautiful bridesmaids walking in front of me. The last bridesmaid goes and I think this is it. The vestibule doors open, and I am greeted with an influx of light, smiles, and tears. For a moment I think I have forgotten to walk, but I find my strength to lift my foot, so I grab my dad’s arm, and take a step. The walk down the aisle seems like forever. I am walking and I spot my mom who is crying her eyes out. I then look at Preston. As soon as his eyes meet mine, he smiles, and I begin crying with sheer happiness. My day is finally here and I cannot wait to say “I do” and be with my husband for the rest of my life.

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