Friends Now and Forever | Teen Ink

Friends Now and Forever

April 30, 2013
By Rachel Nelson BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
Rachel Nelson BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I was trying to pick a topic for this Teen Ink essay, the words vacations, dreams, family, etc. all came to mind. While all these topics are very important to me, I have decided to write about all the friends I have in my life. I feel as if this is the perfect essay in which I can write about all the friends I have known since as long as I can remember and all that we have been through together. From all the accomplishments we have had to all the failures we have been through, we have done it all together.

Every teen knows what it’s like to have a group of friends whom they cannot live without. In my case, three girls in particular come to mind when I say the words “best friends.” To me, the words “best friends” means a whole lot more than just someone who you can have a fun time with. Best friends means someone who will always support you no matter what, make you laugh when you don’t even feel like smiling, and will always show you the bright side of a situation to make you feel better. All of my best friends do exactly that.

Looking back on the years, I have had so many memories with friends. From going to the movies to playing truth or dare at one in the morning, there is definitely never a dull moment. From all the inside jokes to laughing until you cry, best friends will always be there for you. Sometimes, they even know you better than you know yourself. Best friends make you want to become a better person and they inspire you to live a life full of love for one another, kindness, and compassion.

Best friends are those special people in your life that understand you when no one else does. It is important to always cherish them with your whole heart because you never want to lose someone who means so much to you. I truly believe we are destined to have a group of people put into our lives that will change them forever. We call this group by a special name and always give them a very special place to stay. We call them our best friends and hold them deep in our hearts. Although time goes on, and memories fade, friends will always be forever.

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