The Hit That Changed It All | Teen Ink

The Hit That Changed It All

April 29, 2013
By Anonymous

I was sitting behind the passenger. Just sitting there minding my own business. I look at my phone. It 2:30. I smile with relief because school has ended. Then everything goes slow. I’m shocked and scarred. I look at the window. There is a big truck. Just moving slowly. That moment I’m just saying in my mind. I love my family and this is it. I’m just staring with fear. Its like your first time on a big roller coster but there is a car hitting you. I feel the impact. My head flings and slams on the window. Blank. I’m just in black air. There is nothing around me. Everything is done. I got killed by a car. Then I hear someone screaming my arm. I gain conciseness. I open my eyes. I look at the left window and its the ground. I was in shock. Didn’t know what was going on just freaking out. In just sitting in, I don’t know but I was just sitting there. Then I join back in reality. My friend in the front is crushed by his door. Then I just sit there and don’t know of whats going on. My face is swelling and I can’t see out of my right eye. I thought it was gone. I started to cry. I was in fear. I look at my hands and there shaking really fast. I was scarred. It was like being held at gun point. I was scarred. The only time I was scarred. Then we hit another car and the car falls flat on its tires. I start to move my glass flung of my face. My phone was some where. Then I grab it and call the police and say I got in a car crash by the school. They are there in no time. Just after that I call my mom. I’m acting really happy and say, “I’m in a car crash by the school.” Then she was there crying and hugging me when I get of the car. Then I don’t remember what happened and then I hit shock.

The author's comments:
Something that in inspired me was that I was in a car crash.

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