The Goddess | Teen Ink

The Goddess

April 10, 2013
By italygurl98 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
italygurl98 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In English my name means sweet Basil. In Celtic it means great queen or goddess. Depending on my mood, it’s either the sound of the wind blowing, or the crack of a bat. Like a repainted room, a bright side covers the the duller side.
It was no one in my family’s name. Completely unique. That makes me happy, yet sad I don’t have anyone close to share it with. To make memories with.
My name was given to me because my parents didn’t want me to be named after multiple other kids. It was pretty, they liked it.
Uniqueness. A bad thing, or a good thing? I think it is both. On the duller side, there is mispronunciations and misspellings. To be honest though, it doesn’t bother me - it’s kind of fun. Also, I can’t buy personalized items. On the brighter side, no one else has it, and most people compliment my name. I have inherited my own name, and with it my own personality.
At school, I am Rianne - nothing more, nothing less, thought it is said in different ways. Occasionally, I am ReeRee, but for only one person.
I think I would like to keep my name, quirks and all. After all these years, I am becoming Rianne.

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