Wooden Monster | Teen Ink

Wooden Monster

April 1, 2013
By TheLastPilgrimLeft SILVER, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
TheLastPilgrimLeft SILVER, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As my skateboard went up the monstrous wooden wall I felt an adrenaline rush and then I tumbled to the ground. For the past two weekends my Dad, sister, Cece, cousins, Will, Jack, Kile and I had been building a quarter pipe. For the people who don’t know what a quarter pipe is half of the wooden part of the half pipe. We were building the quarter pipe in the backyard near the trampoline.

When we first started to build it we didn’t know what to know what to do. The only thing that was leading us towards our goal was a YouTube video. My dad kind of had an idea from sketching but I had no idea. So I was looking forward to the finished project. But I was most excited about skating on it.

We didn’t know what to expect from what we did since we had never build anything like this before. I was really hoping we would make it right. When we cousin came over we started to screw the boards together. I was happy it was looking good so far.

While we started to build I was thinking about how cool it would be to have this monster in my backyard. I was also thinking about the tricks I could do on it. For example going up and spinning around so my board landed in front of me. Or maybe grinding on the top of the quarter pipe. I would have to find out.
We were drilling and using the buzz saw like it was our job. We were working mechanically. We were measuring  the wood while someone else cut the wood with the saw. The saw was raring and the sound was hypnotizing. Even in the night we worked at the mercy of the mosquito's fangs. Finally after two weekends we finished. It was beautiful. With the big ramp on one side and the smaller ramp and the rail on the other.

I was jumping at the bit to skate it. So when my dad finally allowed me to to skate I sprinted to the ramp. I jumped on my board and started to push off. When i went up my board flew out from my feet and I tumbled down. Eventually I could go up and down without falling and I can even drop in now on the smaller ramp. I’m to scared to drop in on the big ramp yet. But it is so fun!!!!

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