Lucy the Attack Cat | Teen Ink

Lucy the Attack Cat

March 20, 2013
By mirbrandt BRONZE, Jonestown, Pennsylvania
mirbrandt BRONZE, Jonestown, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Forget the what if's and ambition over everything

Today my English teacher, Mr. Miller, asked me if I would like a cat. The reason why we got on the subject of cats in the first place is because my cat is currently peeing blood. So Mr. Miller decided to tell me I should take this cat of his. She's grey, fat, declawed, fixed, and her name is Lucy. She sounded like an alright cat. The Mr. Miller told me what I needed to hear. "She attacks my grandson and that's why I want to get rid of her. She's an attack cat." I am so down for an attack cat. Like how crazy would that be to have someone walk into your house and the cat just starts to attack. You might think I'm weird for liking that particular feature of this cat Lucy. But I think it's awesome.

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