Spin. | Teen Ink


March 15, 2013
By NightOwls GOLD, Medford, Oregon
NightOwls GOLD, Medford, Oregon
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The hardest workers are the most successful.

We all have those times where we think something good is going to happen, and the complete opposite happens. Or we think we are going to be good at something, we end up being really bad at it, and have to work hard at it. For example, I went on a band trip recently and we went to a place like “The Family Fun Center” and it had Laser Tag. Now, I’m a fair shot with a .22 and an AR-15 so I think I will be pretty good at it. Boy was I wrong. The team I was on played three games and out of those three, we only won one game. To make matters worse, I was in the bottom five with one of the least scores for accuracy on the whole team. Laser Tag was fun but I think I’ll stick to the range where I can actually see my target and take my time.

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