The Beauty of the Country | Teen Ink

The Beauty of the Country

March 7, 2013
By CJ Shiner BRONZE, Basehor, Kansas
CJ Shiner BRONZE, Basehor, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The country is my favorite place to live. It’s a place of openness and true beauty. I look out the window of my car and I see open fields with deer running through them. I walk outside in the morning and I see the beautiful orange sunrise coming over the horizon. It blows me away every time I see God’s spectacular creation.

The country is full of amazing beauty, from the open fields to the dense woods. No matter where I am, there is God’s creation. The clear night sky is filled with millions and millions of stars. There aren’t any city lights to fade them out. Sometimes I will just go outside and lie in the grass and stare up into the sky on a warm summer’s night. When I am looking for some peace and quiet, I will go outside and take a walk through the woods. There is elegance in every animal; in the way the birds float through the air, the way the foxes stalk their prey, and the way the frogs in a nearby stream chirp away. Even working around the farm is peaceful; it’s just I and the animals. My favorite thing to do is to walk through a field of green soy beans or the tall corn stalks that will envelope I in their leaves. The green grass is full of life. There are the grasshoppers, the crickets, and things that will jump every time I take a step. God has packed our wonderful world with so much beauty, but we don’t take the time to just stop and admire all that there is.

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