Small Beginnings | Teen Ink

Small Beginnings

March 7, 2013
By peyton schneider BRONZE, Lenexa, Kansas
peyton schneider BRONZE, Lenexa, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today I am going to tell you about how I met my best friend Angel. Way back

years and years ago, about ten years ago, I met this guy named Angel. I met him by living next to his

grandparents. I knew his older brother, but not him. One day his older brother came over to my house

to play with my older brother and he brought along his younger brother Angel. I said hi to him and we

had a little conversation and I realized that me and him liked all the same things. It's not that amazing

to me now because what five year old boy doesn't like monster trucks, roll pollies, getting muddy, and

running around.

So Angel and I were playing together on my beloved “slip and slide” and we saw a bunch of worms!

So very naturally, we grabbed then up and started playing with them. We decided to get around twenty each and ambush his grandmother. We looked all over but couldn't find her, so the next best thing was to attack my mother with the slimy surprise! This would have been a great idea if my mom wasn't making a wedding cake at the time! We snuck through the back door of my house and on three we threw them all over her! As you can probably guess, the squirmy creatures went all over the cake and it was ruined. We felt so bad that we both started to cry and my mom couldn't stay mad so she sent us on our way with cake scraps galore. We then went into my backyard and started climbing around on everything with icing covered faces.

After we got tired, we wanted to take a nap. We had a dilemma though. We were tired and wanted to take a nap, but it also felt really nice outside and didn't want to go inside. So we devised a plan to take a nap in a tree! We went and got all of our blankets and pillows and climbed up into the nearest tree to try to make a comfortable resting place. But the tree just wasn't comfy enough for our liking. We had to come up with another idea and that idea came from Angel, which was to get my little mattress and put it up in the tree! Before you say anything take a second to realize that we were five. So we marched ourselves upstairs ignoring the questioning of our brothers and dragged the mattress outside! We couldn't seem to get the mattress up the tree though. Unfortunately we had to come up with yet another modification to our plan! I remembered watching a show about using pulleys and ropes to get things up to a higher place. I had a wonderful idea but just a rope. So we tied the rope to a handle on the bed and pulled with all our little bodies had in them, but as you can guess it didn't work. Back to the drawing boards...and with much thought and graphing of hard mathematical equations, I decided to tie the rope to myself and jump off the tree, which would pull the mattress up and finally allow us to get the sleep we so desired. Once again we were five. So I leaped off the fifteen foot high branch and the rope slipped off and I landed face first biting a hole through my lip and knocking myself out cold. I woke up and looked down at myself to see blood all over me and I thought it was the coolest thing ever
but I wondered where it came from because I didn't feel any pain. But I wanted to go show my mom because I thought she would be impressed! But to my surprise she was not in the least impressed. But she took me to the hospital instead and I really didn't understand why but at least I had my new friend Angel there to entertain me! So we got into this room and they started putting this soapy water on my face and it was very strange because I could taste it even though my mouth was closed! Naturally I whispered into Angel's ear that I had superpowers and he thought it was very cool! Then the not so fun part came and they gave me a shot and started to stitch me up. But then the even less fun part came about half way through, when my shot wore off and I could feel everything that they were doing to me! I decided to tell my friend with a not so calm tone and he told them to stop and made sure they knew! They gave me another shot and finished up and I thought that Angel saved me so I told him that he's my best friend and that I would always help him whenever he needed me to. Angel and I have known each other since that crazy day.

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