Non Fiction | Teen Ink

Non Fiction

January 18, 2013
By Stephanie Mclachlan BRONZE, Everson, Washington
Stephanie Mclachlan BRONZE, Everson, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 2008, Kali had graduated high school, and wanted to become a nurse. She went to Whatcom Community College and took some classes to help her become a nurse and graduated from there a few years later. In 2010, she started thinking about becoming a corpsman nurse in the Navy. This wasn’t an easy decision for her, because she had pretty much all of her family here, her boyfriend (which she really didn’t want to leave behind) and her close friends here. About the middle of that year, we spent our last time together, which no one knew that this would be the last time we would see her for a while. A long day spent with my family and Kali, ended up as a sort of goodbye party. A very sad one too. We all knew that we wouldn’t see her for the next 3 or 4 months. This was very hard for all of us, especially my three younger sisters and I, we are very close. Practically sisters.

Kali really feels strongly about her job in the navy as a nurse. She was stationed in Pensacola, Florida, to become a nurse. She takes her job very seriously and is very good at what she does in the navy. One of my questions I ask myself everyday is, how much longer until she won’t live in Pensacola anymore? Or, why did she have to be stationed in a state much farther away then what she had hoped for? It’s not easy being away from family, friends who you are close to and aren’t able to see them as often as she’d like to. Compared to her interests when she was younger, she liked to do make-up and hair, like any other girl teenager, wanting to become a beautionists. She used to me and my sisters make-up and hair. She was like a professional hair, make-up artist. She would always love whenever we would get to hangout, so she could do our hair and make-up. But once she entered high school, she started to become more mature and not so interested in hair and make-up anymore. Now that she is in the navy, she is very appreciated with what she is doing and with what she has (friends, family.)

Kali often thinks about mainly her job (navy), all the training and work she has to do. She also thinks about her friends, family (who live in Washington) that she never gets to see anymore. Some other questions that I have are, when she’s done with the navy, what will she be doing after this? Will she come back to Washington, or will she stay in Florida.

The author's comments:
This piece is about my cousin who is in the navy and she lives in Florida.

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