Mission Trip 2011 | Teen Ink

Mission Trip 2011

January 18, 2013
By Anonymous

Over my 2011 summer break I went on a Mission Trip with my church youth group. We took a fifteen passenger van with twelve people on a 13 and a half hour drive, it so not fun! We stayed at Western Carolina University. We worked with a Family that lived on The Cherokee Reservation in Cherokee, South Carolina. The family was such good people. They all lived on this reservation. Their grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sister, and parents all lived on this reservation. The house we worked on was built right in front of this huge mountain and every time it rained the mud from the mountain would slide down into Chris’s room. Chris was a twenty one year old man with down syndrome. We went down on the trip to help a family in need. The Cruthfields did not have a lot of money so going down to help them was a very big deal. We met a lot of people while we were down there. On the first day on the reservation Casey, Miranda, Brenda, and Robin all dug a trench u on the hill behind their house. The trench had to be as long as the house. That same day we had to scrap off as much as the old paint on the front porch as we could. That was a very long day for all of us. After the long hard working, sweaty day we al went back to the university and got showers and went out to dinner. We went to Ryan’s Steak House and it was nota very good place for steak. The meat was terrible my steak was bright pink and barely cooked. The second day we went back to the Cruthfieds house and started to rebuild Chris’s floor. Mike, Gage, and I ripped out the carpet in his room, then started ripping out floorboards. Chris did help us out a lot. He was very into helping us with is room and what-not. While Mike and Gage finished cutting the wood, I played with Josh. He was six years old and told me that he loved hunting snakes, gross! We were supposed to have enough work to keep us occupied for the week but our group finished in the matter of three days. On the day before Chris was leaving for his car show, he told us how much he appreciated us for coming and he loved us all very much. Everyone in our Youth group began to cry because he was very touching and heart warming. The last day we were in North Carolina we had a ceremony for our Youth Group with the rest of the teams. We all were very touched by the experience and we all thought that the trip changed our lives. Overall the Mission trip for 2011 was a life changing experience.

The author's comments:
THe mission trip I talked about inlymy paper changed my life complete

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