Unperfect world! | Teen Ink

Unperfect world!

January 9, 2013
By Anonymous

July 4th, 2011, 3:43 a.m. That was the last time I saw on my phone before I changed my life forever. I thought it was my choice to do it but, it wasn't. He shouldn't of got in trouble was all I thought for almost a year. Why? Is the only question that runs through my head when I think about that day and the day before. So, from the start of July 3rd, 2011.

Yes! I hadn't seen Rich in so long it felt like years. As I ran as fast as I could up to him I saw my boyfriend, Ray. He was hanging out with him. I got scared instantly. I knew something was going to go down soon.

Rich just as calm as can be, asked me for my number. Of course I told him and texted him right away. Just playing football and hanging with the guys was amazing but, I knew my mom would want to go home soon so I headed to our meeting place.

I was just sitting down to eat that night when I heard my brother ask my mom if Rich could stay the night. I was confused but, I didn't say anything because him and my brother have been friends for years. Than I got a text from a private number saying 'I'm taking the most precious thing you have!' So I showed my mom and didn't reply. It was about 7 p.m. when there was a knock at the door and, it was Rich.
We went for a walk because he had to "Talk" to me but, I made my cousin go with us. He told me it was him who sent the text from the private number and I didn't understand what it meant. When we finally got home I felt safer. My mom and step dad where there. They'd protect me, right? I was a 12 year old, I was helpless if he was to try to harm me in any way. And I knew that there was one thing and only one thing he wanted from me.

My virginity! Of course, I was 12. And I wasn't a smart 12 year old either so of course, I let him at the time of 3:43 a.m. of July 4th, 2011. He got caught on July 7th of 2011 and I thought that was wrong because I agreed to let him take my virginity. But, let me tell you, the law DOES NOT care. They did what needed to be done to try and save others.

Everyone thought I was lying and the word spread like a wild fire. Yeah, of course I felt bad. I put him in jail but than again. He didn't stay for long before he got out. He never tried to harm me in anyway. If he saw me at a public place he'd leave, go to the other side of the store, go to the car anything so we didn't come face to face ever again.

Ever since that incident we haven't talked at all but, now I don't have to worry. He raped and abused someone else so he got put in jail. Than the court brought back up my case and now Rich has 50 years in prison! I don't think I should be happy about that but, now he doesn't have another chance to harm another girl.

The author's comments:
Names have been changed for the sake of personal lives!
Well, something came up about him and I just wanted to write and I just started writing and writing until I felt better that I got that out!

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