Bullying | Teen Ink


December 18, 2012
By CaitlanPeddle98 BRONZE, Norwich Norfolk, Other
CaitlanPeddle98 BRONZE, Norwich Norfolk, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My personal opinion on bullying - Bullying is disgusting and I think, people bully to make themselves look big and clever. They just want to look like a strong character in front of their friends. The best thing you can do to a bully is ignore them.Bullys try to get you down as much as they can because you’re most probably the one that’s always smiling and being happy with life, and just because they aren’t happy with their life or they haven’t smiled in a while they feel the need to get you down and make your life miserable. I totally disagree with bullying, I have witnessed a lot of bullying and below I will explain one of these experiences.

My personal experience- Even though I haven’t been bullied myself I’ve seen my close friends be bullied and it’s horrible. It was one day in school that the bullying had started and the name calling was happing the pushing shoving and the nasty little comments coming out, it was disgusting it was carried on for about a month. The nasty little remarks were coming and as one person started another then started and another, this was disgusting because this girl was my best friend at the time, and all I could do was stay by her side because I couldn’t even stand up for myself let alone my friend. I tried my hardest to take her mind of things but it never seemed to work, she felt alone, the comments she had made about her in lesson, when she was walking down the corridors or down the stairs were vile, she never told the teachers because if she did she’d worry that she’d get bullied more.

Every day would be the same, her life just got miserable every day, as the day went on she was feeling angry and broken, because she couldn’t do anything about it. One day when we left the school building her bullies were standing outside waiting for her and one of the boys had a bottle of water she went to hug her friend and they came behind her and tipped water all over her she was soaked and it was a cold day, and they just all laughed and left her their her friends were by her side not knowing anything, as she cried it made me feel sick, but in the end it stopped, probably because they got bored, but it left her insecure, and frustrated. This here is a true story that I had witnessed; I was by her side for as long as I could be.

My message to bullies is – Stop what you are doing before you cause someone to have a breakdown and for them to end their life or cause harm to themselves, you will never realise the damage that you are doing or the damage you have done not only to them but to family members to, sort it out before it’s too late.

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