Contemplation of My Personal Sanctuary | Teen Ink

Contemplation of My Personal Sanctuary

December 4, 2012
By Anonymous

As the sun rises early morning unto a bright summer’s day, an uncovered window creates a portal traversable by the suns glimmering rays. On the other side of that window, a stream of light has trickled into an unsuspecting room. The beam shone has filled the room with natural light that created an atmosphere comfortable and carefree, as if artificial light is a restriction placed upon the human mind by the corporate America wanting to make the easy money by forcing its products upon the unsuspecting consumers. The natural light created by the sun’s astonishing rays are also a gateway to one’s inner mind that can be fully accessed once they have traveled through the portal into the seemingly normal room. But the one thing that the average person does not know is that the room does more than open the mind, it also provides a safe haven to me during my troubled times, my late nights turned to early mornings, and all those occasions in between.

Upon this room lies a chair. To most, this chair would seem like any other, but they do not hold it to the same standards as I. I expect this chair to support me through all that I have to get done; this marine blue chair. Many a night have I spent sitting upon this chair struggling through math homework or procrastinating it away. Next to this chair a wooden, fold-able table has been placed. Upon it usually rests my out-dated laptop. This table is also used to do my homework, usually last minute, which I rush and hurry and achieve my goal right as I am forced to embark on my route to the education facility of my high school. On this table also happens most of my procrastination which most of always is spent playing Magic: The Gathering or preparing decks to which test against my friends at school.

During sunny days, I love to open the blinds of my magical portals and allow the room to be swallowed by the florescent sunlight. Days in which the sun shines at the perfect angle, the soft bed is the ideal location in which to relax and take in the sun. The room is enveloped in a mystical, peaceful aura that loosens all the tendons in the body upon contact. While in bed, I feel at rest and could lie here for days, contemplating the universe, the creation of mankind along with what is, what can be, what never was, what never shall be, and what can never be allowed to happen. Just as the window was a portal for the sunlight into the mind of a human being, so can the feeling of assurance and protection. How one acts under a feeling of false hope under fire and how one acts under the impression of certain destruction can change one’s actions for better or worse. Next to my bed is a pair of shelves in which many of miscellaneous items have stowed themselves away to be undisturbed for the rest of eternity. Every day I seem to stumble upon hidden treasures that have been “sleeping” with me for a long while. While my bottomless supply of antiquities never seems to run out, my energy and will to continue do so the final use of my esteemed mattress is of its intended use to aid anyone who wishes to retire for the night.

On the opposite side of the room is a television which I have wasted countless amounts of hours staring at when I should have been doing my homework. While not always being turned on, the black moving picture box always poses a threat. The looming presence of this screen has always been creeping on me at night, whispering into my ear when no one else is in the room. Telling me of other places I could rather be then in my sanctuary. The television has told me about places that are endless, beyond the limits of time and reality that can hold up to 10,000 beings in the space of a .5m x 2m compartment. The mind of the human body is almost limitless and can think of almost everything, (besides a new color). If put against a mirror, the human brain can be shown to be unable mimic its own pattern of creativity more than once.

A reflection is useful to have around, especially in a bedroom. Behind the mirror positioned to the left of my room is my closet. The small space mimics who I am and who I forever shall be. The clothes that one wears can show a person’s inner and/or outer personality. The more a person hides from their inner self, the more it reflects in their clothing. Those who have not found themselves often have a copied sense of fashion while those who have found themselves spiritually and/or have accepted their own personally have a more creative style that reflects in certain articles of clothing. My closet has a wooden piece-of-furniture-type-thing-with-drawers. The cloths in my closet reflect my personality in a way that I am unsure of. I cannot name what it is but something is there.

This is my bedroom and also my sanctuary. This is the place I spend most of my time whenever I can. All of my being is infused into my room and it represents how I feel, how I act, how time affects me, and how I have left an impact on the places in which I have been in the most contact with. While not that many people can say that they have their own personal sanctuary, I am proud to explain that I do. I have my own personal sanctuary that affects my thoughts, my feelings, my footprints, and my dedication to everything in which I find meeting. This is the room in which I find the most meaning in and that which means the most to me. In this room I contemplate what has happened and what shall happen to me hence forth.

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