The Question | Teen Ink

The Question

January 26, 2012
By KaylaAmy-Marie BRONZE, Wilsonville, New York
KaylaAmy-Marie BRONZE, Wilsonville, New York
1 article 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open which open for us."

Do alcoholics care for anybody but themselves?
That’s a question I ask myself almost every day. Should I just be happy that she cares about me and is the nicest women I’ve ever met when she’s sober? Should I settle for that? A lot would say yes, a lot would say no.
I find that I can’t bring myself to forget the times she’s said I hate you. I can never think “She’s drunk that’s the only reason she’s saying these things. She cares. She wouldn’t say these things if she were sober.” She doesn’t understand that she can’t say things like that to people no matter her condition. It hurts no matter her condition.
Can an alcoholic blame you for their drinking? What some people don’t understand is that, when an alcoholic blames you for their drinking, is that it really isn’t your fault. The fact is they drank because they wanted to drink. It’s just sometimes convenient to blame it on someone else. To make it okay. They think it makes it okay for them to drink if someone else stresses them in their lives. It’s not okay.
The biggest question is do they care? I still haven’t found the answer to that. At the moment I’d say no they don’t. She’s hurt me so deeply it seems almost impossible to think, to talk, to breathe or to live. The way she acts on an everyday basis, I’m so disappointed. Its shame you see on my face when I tell you why I moved. And it’s all cause of an alcoholic, who I call Mom.
Do they care?

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