The Journey | Teen Ink

The Journey

April 8, 2011
By Fiona Imami BRONZE, Saugus, Massachusetts
Fiona Imami BRONZE, Saugus, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is a Sunday night, and here I am sitting in a crowded train car. I can hear all the little conversations and whispering that goes on between people. It is hard to tell what they are talking about, but the ear catches random words once in a while. Sometimes they do not even make sense at all. All these noises are joined by other words and actions that people say and do. Someone who sitting to my right is reading a newspaper, and the sound of that person flipping the pages grabs my attention. The sound is continuous when the person goes from a page to another, and it goes faster and faster as if the person was tired of reading.

A few seats behind that scene there is someone’s phone ringing, the ringtone is a very popular song of the time, “Grenade” by Bruno Mars. After the woman picks up the phone she starts speaking in a language very familiar to me, in Italian. From the tone of the voice and the words she is using, it is very easy to tell that she is mad about something. This grabs the attention of most of the people around, who for a moment stop their conversations and concentrate on the loudness that the person on the phone is creating. This does not go for a long time; the person stops after realizing how loud she was being.

Beside this, there are other noises that I hear too. Doors opening and closing, the horn of the train beeping every so often, some one who drops an iPod in the ground makes a loud crack; I can also hear the steps of people walking in the car. Before every station, a train worker announces on the loud speaker the stop that the train is about to make. These announcements make people stand up and get ready to leave. Some of them are loud and obnoxious. While the train is on the way, you I feel it making little vibrations that create a particular shaking noise, and when the train is about to stop all I can hear is a scratchy noise. I realize: My Journey is over.

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