my first day of high school | Teen Ink

my first day of high school

January 31, 2011
By Anonymous

My first day of high school was amazing I knew it would be I had a lot of friends already. I was in the high school play my 8th grade year because they didn’t have vary many people try out for the musical. Al asked if he could get some middle school students in choir to come out and sing in a few parts so I thought it would be fun so I did it. I met the best friends in doing so.

The first day I go into the doors about 2 hours early I didn’t know where I was going. I when to ever where on my list 3 times I was sure I wasn’t going to get lost.

The bell rang I left to my first class witch I was late for it was with miss Hurst she was one of my favorite teachers she had this way so telling people off without them knowing it I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever heard.

After that I met some friends they said I could skip PE and play the greatest game ever invented by man ping pong I fell in love with the game I was hooked I was a stud by the end of the year my first game not so much I don’t know if it I was the fact I was worried about skipping PE or the fact that who I was playing had been playing for 4 years but any way that was my life after that day.

So that’s my first day of school I will never forget. I got in trouble for skipping class but it was worth it I found out I loved ping pong and I got some good laughs.

The author's comments:
its not much but its all i have

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