Teenage Ruins | Teen Ink

Teenage Ruins

November 15, 2024
By crazesam1 GOLD, Dhaka, Other
crazesam1 GOLD, Dhaka, Other
14 articles 17 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
They broke the wrong parts of me-anonymous

Once, I was convinced of the teenage years, an age of gold, the dawn of flowering life. They term it "the best of years," when joy is boundless, and life unfurls at one's feet. Yet for me, these selfsame teenage years are not golden but chains forged of my very heart and bound with unmet hopes.

The world pictures to the youth freedom, flight upon joy's wings; but I-never in this bitter season find it so. Nay, I am chained-no, not by others, but the weight of mine own soul is heavy with doubt and sorrow.

Tis this blasted year, as some storm, hath come, took all the little peace I had, and cast it into ruin. Every step I tread feels heavy like lead, every thought presses hard upon my heart. How came I to this? How did I, once so full of hope, become burdened with despair?

My eyes fall upon my reflection-a stranger's face, a countenance I barely recognize. My heart doth ache with a grief so profound it doth pierce to the very marrow. Why doth this loneliness seize me thus, while others go unscathed? "Thou art young," they say. "These are but passing shadows." And yet, they know not my heart, nor what I bear.

I remember nights staring into the dark, hoping that somehow with daybreak, relief might come. None does. I weep in silence, for who shall know this pain that rends my soul? They speak of time's balm, yet it heals me not, nor soothes this ache.

Still, though crushed, though mine heart be broken beneath its weight, I rise. Not for strength do I rise, but for need. I must go on, though darkness whispers for me to cease. For what will become of me if I fall into that abyss?

What life am I to lead, if not with purpose? Am I not a ship adrift on stormy seas, with no hope of harbor? The question haunts me-it is deep in my heart.

I yearn for peace-a calmness to appease this storm in mine bosom. But peace, like an elusive dream, flies beyond mine embracing. Yet still I endure. For what is life without struggle? Without pain? To live is to suffer, to rise amidst ruin.

Even if I have been shattered, even if my heart now lies in tatters on the ground, I do not fall. I will rise from this tempest stronger, fiercer, and more fixed. Let the storm beat me down; it will never drown me. And I shall stand, though I alone should stand.

And when the storm hath passed and these years of turmoil be but a shadow, then will I look back and say, "I lived." And that, dear reader, is the biggest triumph of them all.

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