Pitbull´s shouldn´t be banned | Teen Ink

Pitbull´s shouldn´t be banned

June 3, 2024
By Savanna-Agosto2 BRONZE, Hartford, Connecticut
Savanna-Agosto2 BRONZE, Hartford, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What do you want to see change with Pit bull´s and What would you do to change it? 

Pit bull´s are kind-natured and very loving animals. They love to give cuddles and kisses. From my experience, I have had 5 pit bull´s growing up and each protected my siblings and I with their lives. They are good guard dogs and always ensure that your kids and you are protected. With that being said, “ Pit Bull-type dogs are not born aggressive

Ever heard the phrase “nature vs. nurture”? Well, that applies here too. Pit Bull-type dogs, just like any other type, follow “learned” behavior taught by the humans who raise them.” says 

arlboston.org/5-facts-about-pit-bull-type-dogs/ . 

When I was a kid, my family had multiple Pit bull´s, we learned what it takes to raise a breed of this caliber. We loved them with our whole hearts and when they were hurting, we were hurting. Unfortunately when my dogs were given away due to living conditions and them being banned from apartments, I lost my best friends. It is known that “Pets can help decrease stress and can even help children develop social and emotional skills. And although research on human-animal interaction is still relatively new, initial studies have shown that pets can reduce cortisol levels, decrease loneliness, boost mood, and increase feelings of social support.” 

I was at my happiest when I had my pets and I don't want other kids to go through that just because they love a breed of dog that is banned from public spaces.  verywellfamily.com/how-kids-benefit-from-pet-ownership 5201854#:~:text=Pets%20can%20help%20decrease%20stress,increase%20feelings%20of%20social%20support. 

 Yes, there are multiple statistics saying that Pit bull´s are killing people and there are some cases against this breed, I won't ignore that. But, I refuse to blame an entire breed for the mistakes caused by certain dogs. Yes, Pit bull´s have strong jaws, but they don't have locking jaws, it is simply a myth that everyone chooses to believe.  “Pit Bull type dogs do not have “locking jaws”

No such “locking jaw” mechanism exists in a Pit Bull-type dog or any other dog type or breed. There is nothing uncommon about the size and functionality of a Pit Bull-type dog’s jaws or teeth. Additionally, there is no evidence which proves that one dog type or breed is uniquely capable of inflicting serious injury to humans or other animals.” This is confirmed by arlboston.org/5-facts-about-pit-bull-type-dogs/ . 

While researching, I interviewed a few people who have had Pit bull´s and have raised them. 

My older brother, Angel Ortiz was one of my interviewees. I asked a few questions, starting with their experience of being an owner of this breed. He replied with, ¨Exciting, your day is never a dull moment. You have a pet next to you who cares more about you than themselves.¨ He finished it off with ¨No matter how bad your day was, it will get better as soon as you see them.¨ This is an accurate statement. Seeing him everyday and how his dog Lola interacts with him after a long day is a perfect representation of this. 

          I asked him, Do you think Pit bull´s should be considered a vicious animal? He responded, ¨No, they are like any other animal/pet. Its mostly on how you train them.¨ This statement is also true, and supported by multiple sources. 

   Lastly, he was asked, If you could change the way Pit bull´s were perceived, what would you do/say? He said, ¨To convince people to raise one yourself. People only see whats on news articles that they never give it a second glance.¨ He finished off with the beginning of his statement. ¨Raise one yourself.¨ 

                           This topic is such a passionate feeling of mine and I feel strongly about the fact that Pit-bull´s are banned from a lot of places. Personally, I think it's unfair especially since there are multiple smaller dogs that are more vicious than Pit bull´s are. I don't believe that we should judge Pit bull´s because we think we know everything about them and/or their breed. When you search up Pit bull´s, only their bad reputation pops up, and I want that to change. I want to make the Pit bull reputation clear and it starts with this article. I want to see their ban lifted. I want people to see them as they are, which is like any other loving animal:if they can have a chance, why can't this type of breed or really any type of breed?

The author's comments:

This piece hits home for me because my family and I have been raising Pits since before I was born. I am personally just tired of seeing them penalized because of their ¨vicious reputation¨.  

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