Hard Work | Teen Ink

Hard Work

June 3, 2024
By Anonymous

A long time ago, my mother came to the United States for my brother and I to have a good life, my father had a part in raising us too. Ever since elementary school my mother pushed me hard. And for the longest time I never really tried working hard in middle school for the three years I was in middle school because I felt like I wouldn’t want to have a career in the future or go to a good college, and sometimes personal problems got in the way of my life which made me feel not so motivated to try in school, but instead I focused on how I wanted to look to others. I wanted to fit in with people more, but ever since late 8th grade, I realized that I already fit in. I had lots of friends and did things that made my life more fun which is why I felt the need to try harder in school, and to feel like I wanted to make everyone in my family proud.

So far in high school, it is pretty hard, but whenever I come to my mother telling her how high school work was stressful and hard, she always tells me, “Échale ganas” In Spanish which means do your best. It was like trying hard to push a huge boulder and get it to start moving. Of course, I gave everything my best even though my grades weren’t looking too good in the first semester but now that I compare both of my first and second semester grades, my end of the year grades definitely look way better, it makes me feel good about myself and I feel like pushing that huge boulder constantly, even though it's difficult sometimes.

Ever since the beginning of freshman year, I looked up to my older brother constantly, he is now a senior, Class of 2024, graduating in about a week. 

My brother also pushed me in school as well, he gave me multiple tips like on what classes to choose, how teachers at Richfield High School are, and what clubs/sports to join. 

The reason why I really looked up to my brother was because he also worked hard in high school too, every time we come to school together in the morning he greets and gets greeted by teachers. It sometimes makes me think that maybe teachers liked his learning style because I know how hardworking he is, and it made me want to be like him.

Now in every school year in the future, I definitely will keep trying my best to help support my family and to make my mom the most proud.

From my point of view, I feel like it is important to find out what you want to do in life in the future, to make your family proud, although, not only that but additionally making yourself proud by setting goals for yourself.

In conclusion, I feel like thinking of making friends and family proud for the future motivates me to do better in everything because not only does it make me feel better about myself but also makes me feel proud because I have an idea for what I want in the future.

The author's comments:

I learned that hard work comes from your intentions and what you want to do for your future and yourself.

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