getting over them | Teen Ink

getting over them

May 29, 2024
By chacad0709 BRONZE, Bloomington, Minnesota
chacad0709 BRONZE, Bloomington, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Getting over them. It’s the hardest thing to do. Every single thing is them. They consume my thoughts. They consume everything I do. When I’m listening to my playlist all I can think about is the butterflies I felt while dancing and singing all these songs with them. Slow songs, rap songs, love songs all they are is them. I try to do my favorite hobbies but everything reminds me of the things we used to do together. It’s so draining. One moment you’re having fun forgetting about them then that one line someone says brings you back to square one. zoning out to think about the voice they said it in, whether they laughed it, cried it, or said it with worry. It all comes back to you drowning you with the memories. It’s like being stuck in the middle of the ocean. You finally get a break from the waves, to relax your mind and feel free and the next thing you know you see a big wave come and smaller ones following behind. Throwing and whipping you around, messing with your mind. You never get a break. Months and years later you forget all about them until one word, sound, or special name they used to call you goes in one ear and stays, not out the other, it stays. All the memories are flooding back, the way they held you, the way you felt safe, their eyes, their smile, their laugh. It all consumes your thoughts causing you to zone out in front of everyone. You’re zoned out but can feel the hot tears gathering in your eyes. You feel a little fire trying to start up inside but you won’t let it. You swallow,  zone back in drowning that fire and making it stop, officially putting the past behind you. You’re no longer trying to get over them. You did it.

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i hope you guys like it :)

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