Spring Break in the Dells | Teen Ink

Spring Break in the Dells

May 29, 2024
By 4damonb GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
4damonb GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Spring break had begun and it was time to prepare for our trip to the Dells. Before we left, I made brownies for my friends and I to enjoy while we were there. We went up to the Dells for five days but before we went up, there was something we needed to take care of. I am so hungry, I thought as my friends and I gathered our luggage and put it in the cars. We decided to take a small drive over to HB Cafe for some breakfast. The eight of us walked in together and sat at a large table in the corner. After we got settled, the server walked over to our table and took each of my friends’ orders. She walked up to me and asked, “What would you like to eat honey?” I ordered eggs, bacon, toast, and chocolate milk. We enjoyed or meals together and then got ready to head out.

For our next stop, we headed to Target to get some last minute supplies. We got the essentials and quickly got back on the road and started up to the dells. The drive was 1.5 hours of talking with friends, karaoke, and some light sleeping. The people in our car were my brother, who was in charge of driving, me, who was in charge of music, Trey, and Dekon. Adler and Jordan took another car, and Erk drove his car. Fish also made an appearance on the first night. I was so excited to get to the Airbnb and start preparing for the week ahead of us.

We arrived at the Airbnb and I immediately jumped out of the car to grab my bags. We chose our rooms, put our bags down and gathered everyone to go to the grocery store. Once we got back, we grilled burgers and had a fire. I was given the task of starting the fire while my brother grilled burgers for us. I threw some logs on, along with some kindling and lit the dry brush with a lighter. The fire grew fast…too fast. A piece of burning wood fell out near some grass and started the grass on fire. I moved quickly to stomp it out, my fast reaction time like a predator removing a threat in the wild. Once that was handled, we ate our burgers and then made smores for dessert. We ended the night with some games on the Xbox, having some friendly competition on “MultiVersus”, and then watching a TV show. 

The next day we went into town and went to all the shops on the strip. We started down one side and stopped into all the shops. We got down to the end of the road and finally reached the shop that I wanted to go to most: The Point. I looked around and didn’t find much that I wanted until I saw it. A nice looking, cheap pocketknife for only $30. I checked out my item and then we went to lunch. After we were done at the shops, we went to Kohl’s and I got a nice new jacket for $80. We decided to go to HuHot mongolian grill for dinner, which was amazing, and then later that night, watched a new movie called Roadhouse. The next day, we went back to the shops to make our final rounds and get anything else that we wanted or missed the first day. Then we went home, went on a short hike, and had another fire. We made kabobs for dinner and watched another movie before bed.

The rest of the trip was not as eventful but still nice and relaxing. My friends and I hung out around the house and played games together, burned some more wood as we watched the fire at night, and quickly found ourselves on the last day of the trip. We gathered our belongings and hit the road. As we drove back home, I reflected on the last five days with my friends. We had so much fun and managed to keep our spending in check. But most importantly, we made memories together that I will never forget.

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