Letter to my future self | Teen Ink

Letter to my future self

May 23, 2024
By Adrika_15 GOLD, Midnapur West, Other
Adrika_15 GOLD, Midnapur West, Other
11 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Butterflies are strange creatures.
They make you see how wonderful spring is with colorful flowers, but never let you see the thorns that can hurt their wings.

Dear future self,


I saw you feeling low about yourself. Don't worry because it is okay to feel your sorrow tying a choking knot in your throat, but always remember how to untie that knot whenever you think it is seconds away from killing you. It is okay if you feel too proud about yourself- to want yourself known in the world. It isn't narcissism, my dear. It is just that you are growing strong. Beautiful. Fearless. 


I know the nights you text "goodnight" aren't often the nights that are good to you. I know the days you wake up, texting "good morning" are the days you wish were really good.


I know you want to confront pain. But every time you go to speak with it, you become an echo of its noise. I know you own stories along your skin, and I want you to know that they aren't meant to end with pain, but begin with them. The full stops you yearn for aren't the endings your heart deserves. Your life is uneven as it should be and there is no wrong in it. Because trust me, perfectionism is an illusion. 


You see, if everything had been perfect, death would not seem so painful, and Earth would have been a perfect sphere. Or our Dettol soaps and sanitizers could have killed 100% of germs.


I say, go and have the life you want. Don't try impressing the world too much, as it only creates unbearable pressure. It is not wrong to want to become perfect. It isn't a crime. But wanting that makes you mad. You start comparing yourself and drip your dainty pillows in tears. Or worse, crave to wear the necklace of death.


I know you care to inscribe yourself in everyone's heart. You crave positive replies. You want yourself to have the spotlight. But then reality haunts you- "If I drown my passion for fame, will I be happy?"


Probably not fully.


If perfectionism is a mirage and you are in the pursuit of finding it, you will only get lost. Don't break "yourself" for being perfect. Create "yourself" with your imperfections.


Everyone sees them in you. But I see how it makes you fly.

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