Warm June Morning | Teen Ink

Warm June Morning

May 16, 2024
By sufly24 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
sufly24 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sat outside, embracing the warm june morning. My body couldn’t keep still. I was so excited for today. 

“Start laying out all of the snacks,” my mom yelled from the inside of the house. 

I went inside to start helping and getting ready. We had so much to do before everyone arrived. We had to set up the nets, lay out the snacks, decorate the trophies, and set up the music. I was feeling overwhelmed, but also super excited.

“You better win this year,” my dad said, giggling.

I was determined to win this year. My brothers win every single year. I have never gotten a chance to win. It was my year, I could feel it. 

Soon enough, it was that time. All of our family, friends, and neighbors had arrived. Music blared, people laughed, and warmed up, getting ready to put in their all to secure the annual trophy. 

Getting the trophy was a big accomplishment in our town. Your name was written on it and everyone wanted to win it.

The music stopped. 

“Game on!” my mom shouted. 

Everyone scurried to their courts and the games began.

I was ready. I was prepared. I was excited. 

I was up against Olivia, my childhood best friend. I was so nervous but I knew I could beat her. 

It was down to the last point. I was up by 1. Olivia missed the serve. Just like that, I won! My name got written on the trophy. 

My parents set the trophy right on our fireplace, next to my older brother’s trophy. They were so proud of me! Maybe my sister will win next year to carry on the tradition.

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