Never Lose Sight of Your Dreams | Teen Ink

Never Lose Sight of Your Dreams

April 29, 2024
By 4phippen GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4phippen GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a kid I was always told if you want something you need to go out and get it, don't wait for it to come to you. If you wait for your dream to happen, it will slip out of your grasp. When I was younger I loved hockey, during a game though, I broke my wrist. This break ended up ending my season. I was heartbroken but I didn’t let that stop me. I stick handled with one hand, skated on the ice, and attempted to do PT to recover my wrist. Knowing that if I gave up, I would never get back to where I originally was. 

A role model for me as a kid was Harry Potter. In the movies his whole family despised him, trapped him in a closet and basically said you will amount to nothing. That didn’t stop him, however; inspired him to be his best version of himself. When he arrived at Hogwarts everything was different, he was known to be one of the best wizards there was. He practiced spells, learned their ways and during his challenges he never gave up and always overcame them. For example when Harry was new he and his friends had to get around the three headed dog, and rather than running away they overcame the challenge and succeeded. 

Every person has personal problems of their own, and if they believe that that is what is stopping them from accomplishing their dreams that is just nonsense. Today in my creative writing class, I have just seen a video of a blind man receiving a Guinness World Record for hitting 211 mph in a nascar. The other inspiring thing about this is he built the car by himself, with a little help from friends. This just shows that when you are able to push through your problems anything is achievable. People at young ages need to be given this inspiration to be able to understand and achieve this level of perseverance because in the end, it will make them so much more successful in their future. 

Perseverance is not an easy thing to do or complete. Being able to have this in your skill set will make you 10 times better as well, if you don't have the skill, the talent, whatever you need to have, perseverance will take you wherever you want to go. In the future having perseverance will be looked upon as the best skill one could have. It is important to never give up and never look at other people seeing they may be better than you and just let them achieve your dream. Fight for what you want and don’t let your problems be roadblocks. 

Correlating this to myself, I was really working towards getting fit. I thought it would be too hard and eating clean foods would be too much of a hassle. Days after days went by procrastinating not putting in my full potential, that was until my brother inspired me. He relayed the words my dad told me, don’t let my dreams come to me and go after it. Sophomore summer I got to work, I would run, do weights and overall be more active. In just months of continuously working and persevering I had hit my goal. This was not only amazing for me to see my new body, but also what I am capable of. From that moment on, I use that as a reflection when I think something “will be too hard”.

The author's comments:

This piece was based off of my personal experiences and what I have learned from perseverance.

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