Captain America Persevered | Teen Ink

Captain America Persevered

April 18, 2024
By lizzie_arrowhead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
lizzie_arrowhead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I think of perseverance, a lot of people come to mind. All those who fought for their countries, those fighting for their lives, and even those who have small struggles throughout their day. Although, there is one person that really stands out when I think of perseverance in both the real world and the fictional. That person is Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America.

Steve Rogers is an incredible example of never giving up and persevering to accomplish what you want to accomplish. He is a very thoughtful and honest soldier, along with being extremely dependable. Throughout all of the movies he is part of, I can think of multiple ways he persevered and how he inspired others, including me, to persevere as well.

Right from the start, Steve Rogers showed that he would accomplish anything he set his mind to. Before he got his title as Captain America, he was a small and non-athletic man who wanted to join the army to fight for his country. But, he was ridden with all sorts of health issues such as asthma and anemia, which made it impossible for him to get accepted. He went to the army sign-up building, but was quickly sent away due to his poor health. Discouraged, he tries to think of a way to get in. Rogers stumbles across a scientist who knows how badly he wants to defend his country. Determined to achieve his goal, Rogers makes his way to the scientist, Dr. Erskine's lab. There, he is met with a machine that will inject him with a serum and make him super strong. The machine was dangerous and never tested before, but Rogers' perseverance was so big that he took the chances, risking his life. After he was injected with the serum, he became Captain America and joined the army stronger than ever. He was able to fight for his country in WWII and even change the course of the war. 

Seeing how hard he worked affected how I view challenges in my life. I was in middle school and on my school’s volleyball team. At that time, I was put on the lower level team. I was heartbroken. I had worked so hard to improve my skills, and it all went to waste. But, I started to think about a certain person who got rejected from his dream. Steve Rogers. He worked harder and harder, until he met his goal. I decided I was going to do the same. Each day, I practiced my skills. Improving areas I was weak in and strengthening my abilities. After weeks of work, it finally paid off. I was met with my coach telling me to move up to the higher level team. 

Now, this might not be a realistic example of perseverance, since “super strength” is not a part of our world, but it shows how someone can go through anything, even extreme pain and almost death, to achieve a goal. He inspired me to become a stronger person and to not give up when times get rough. His perseverance changed me. Steve Rogers shows me that with hard work and dedication, even when people aren’t there to support you, I should persevere. Persevere to achieve what we want to. Persevere to become a better person. Persevere to change the world. Captain America persevered.

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