don't forget | Teen Ink

don't forget

February 13, 2024
By FlNCH PLATINUM, Scituate, Massachusetts
FlNCH PLATINUM, Scituate, Massachusetts
25 articles 8 photos 1 comment

no one ever realizes how much they love

until what they love is gone

your parents, your friends, your lover.

stuffed animals, warm beds, your clothes.

you forget how much you rely on these things

because to you, they're a constant

but what happens when they're gone?

what will happen when you're all alone?

when you're sitting in the back of the class because your friends all left

you don't laugh as much as you used to.

what will happen when you miss the warm touch of your lover

when you're just trying to get through the night?

you'll realize you're more alone than you thought.

but you didn't know, or at least, didn't care.

you took it all for granted

and now it's gone, and you can't get it back.

and who's f***ing fault was that?

how hard was it to just say thank you? i love you? i miss you?

why did it require so much effort to say it even just once?

well now, you have nothing

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