How to get through 8th grade | Teen Ink

How to get through 8th grade

January 12, 2024
By DezTT BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
DezTT BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you walk through the doors of Springfield Conservatory of the Arts on your 3rd first day here don’t worry about being judged. Everyone else is nervous too. When Joelis comes up to you, with her prissy and fake little attitude, ignore her. Being her little friend is the worst thing you could do, remember what happened last year. Instead, mend things with Jayliani and talk to Isabelle for the first time since 5th grade. Being their friend early on will make you a lot happier and will make the year go better even though Joelis tries to get in between that too. No matter what you do throughout the entire year she’s going to try and get in between your personal relationships and try to get to you mentally but try to not be bothered.

 When you see this cute 9th grader in the halls, go up to him. Oddly enough he isn’t what you’d usually go for. He’s 6’2 with fluffy blonde hair and blue eyes but something about him catches your eye. Don’t spend months asking your friends to go through a different hallway just so you can see him like a weirdo (please)! I promise you he thinks you’re pretty, funny, and smart and wants to get to know you better. Make conversation with him in person instead of following him on Instagram and pretending to “accidentally” send him something to start a conversation. I mean it works but girl. When you first see him in the halls and have a crush it's mostly on looks but when you start talking to him you're going to realize he’s one of the funniest, sweetest, and most down-to-earth people you know.

When Joelis’ friend asks you out, decline. Let her know that she’s a great person and friend. Tell her you didn’t mean to give her the wrong idea and politely decline. Right after that Joelis is going to start telling people you have “bipolar depression.” Obviously, you have no idea where that came from but still don’t let it bother you. When you get sent to the counselor and she sits you down on one of the two fluffy, black and silver chairs and asks you if everythings okay, be honest with her despite the answer making you fight tears.

Try to pay better attention in math even though Mrs. Ward is a pain in your behind. Spend more time with Mrs. Anderson. Talk with her more in both English class and advisory. Whenever all the kids in contemporary are gone practicing and it’s just you guys in advisory hang out with her more. When she asks to play Just Dance, always say yes. When she asks to see your art and writing you do in your free time always show her. She's your favorite teacher and you’re going to miss her in the future. Remember that in civics not everything is directly related to Hamilton. You sound goofy.

 Get on stage more! You love acting, drawing, band, orchestra, and hip-hop so show it!! During shows and concerts try to not be shy. When you’re dancing, make things flow nicely like water. Make sure you’re well-composed and fluid with your movements. When someone gives criticism don’t take it to heart but still acknowledge it and learn from it. 

Ignore people's opinions on you. Most of the time they’re based on a rumor. You’ll have people against you and you won't even know they exist, that’s just how it goes. Despite all of that, the majority of the school loves you. You’re friends with most people and even when you’re not even there they defend you. Be nice to people even if they aren’t nice to you. It irritates them more than you think. All anyone wants is a reaction so they can paint you as the bad person in the situation so don’t bother stressing over someone and giving them what they want.

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