One Time I was Really Scared | Teen Ink

One Time I was Really Scared

October 11, 2023
By DesmondNoone BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
DesmondNoone BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a warm summer night. It was about 11pm and the crickets were chirping up a storm. We were camping in Owenton Kentucky for three days for my friend's birthday. Me and my four friends were sitting around a campfire before heading to bed. It was a long day, and we were all exhausted from kayaking five miles. We were just about ready to go to bed when my friend’s dad spoke, “Do you remember the garden all the way down that trail that I showed you guys earlier?” We all nodded. How could we forget those perfect, big, red, round tomatoes that were perfectly ripe? “Go grab me a couple of tomatoes for dinner tomorrow.” My friend's dad announced. We all groaned because of the long walk down to the garden. My friends and I all got up and began to walk down the rocky trail. “Wait a minute,” we all turned. “Watch out for the gypsies.” We all turned our heads around to each other confused. My friend's dad let out a long sigh and gestured for us to come back to him. We all sat back down looking at him like he had three eyes. “Gypsies are nomadic people. They travel around in groups. They live in woods like these and only come out at night.” This kinda freaked me out. I quickly glanced at the woods wondering if these “gypsies” were actually real. “They sing songs and whistle all through the woods the whole night.” My friend’s dad started. “Do they eat people?” One of my friends stammered. We all nervously laughed trying to cheer up and sharply turned our heads at my friend’s dad for answers. He just stared. He looked like a deer with headlights.

We just decided to go on a journey down to find these tomatoes. We were slowly walking down and stayed really close. We had limited flashlights so we had to be careful where we shined them. Slowly but surely, we were making our way down. But the slightest noise like a stick crack or a leaf crumple would set us back a little bit because we would all run away and scream. We each took turns leading the way. I was terrified and tried my best to keep calm. After a while my legs got tired. “How long have we been walking?” I groaned. My friends started feeling the same way. We were all so sleepy and sore. It feels like we’ve been walking miles. My friend popped up the flashlight and at the very corner of my eye I saw a reflection of red. We all turned and saw it. We started cheering and high-fiving each other. I grabbed the tomato and picked it off the stem and admired them. We all gathered a total of about four and started heading back up. We were so happy on the way up we totally forgot about the gypsies. I was trying to hold the flashlight and polish the tomato at the same time but ended up dropping the flashlight. I went to go pick it up but then my heart dropped. We heard a faint whistle. We started to walk a little faster but then the whistle got louder and louder. We were now from a walk to a dead sprint up the rocky trail with our tomatoes. “AHHHH!!!” We all screeched. When we got to the top of the hill we were dead. The whistle finally stopped. I handed the tomatoes to my friend's dad and he cut them into sections and shared them with us. We all laughed and enjoyed the tomato but that was probably one of the scariest things I experienced.

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