Treasure of Love | Teen Ink

Treasure of Love

September 28, 2023
By puppydawgs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
puppydawgs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nearly everyone in this day and age can’t live without material possessions, whether it's that new pair of  Chanel heels, or old family photos from your childhood. For me on the other hand I wouldn't be able to live without receiving love and giving out love. 

The world we live in today believes that the only way to be happy and to live a fulfilling life is if you have as many materialistic things as you can have. For me though material items don't matter to me as much, yet it's still nice to own things, but I would rather live a life with authentic love from another than a simple hit of dopamine knowing I possess a certain item. 

Everything is replaceable, but the love that I receive from my family, friends, or even strangers can never be replaced. Everyone loves one another in a different way, experiencing love from another person is one of the finest gifts I will ever receive. 

Losing love in my life would make my world seem cold and dark. Living a life without giving or receiving love is meaningless. Love is the way we as humans are able to experience this world through a full perspective.

Having love for myself is as important as having love for one another. There's a famous quote “if you can love yourself, how are you going to love someone else.”. Most people tend to think that loving oneself is a selfish act, but having love for yourself can truly change a person's whole perspective on life. 

The purest gift on this earth, so small, and it sometimes can be overlooked. Love is truly the biggest gift anyone could ever receive.

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