A Simple Bracelet | Teen Ink

A Simple Bracelet

September 27, 2023
By KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Simple Bracelet

A simple bracelet.  It is cool, but for most people, not worth saving.  But this bracelet is something I wouldn’t be able to live without.  This bracelet is different than any other bracelet in the world.   I don’t care about the price, and sure a lot of people compliment me on it, but that’s not why I wear it.  I wear it because this bracelet is important to me.  It is a bracelet that my Nana used to wear.  

It is a woven sterling silver bracelet.  I remember always seeing it on her wrist.  After she passed, my mom inherited her jewelry chest.  It sat in between the doors to my parents' closet and bathroom.  I saw it almost every day but for the longest time, never looked inside.  One day I walked into my parents' room to get some ibuprofen but stopped at the jewelry chest right before the bathroom.  I realized I had never taken the time to take a look at what was in there.  I opened up the first drawer, and there sat around a dozen rings sitting neatly in their own respective holders.  I folded out the sides and saw all the necklaces dangling from wooden pegs that at one time I had seen around her neck.  I opened up the second door.  On top was this shiny silver bracelet.  It was woven together so neatly that I just stopped and inspected it.  I sat for a while just feeling it.  

I tried to put it on but it was almost impossible.  That night when my mom got home from work I showed her. Her face lit up when I held it out in my hand.  I asked her for some help putting it on and she took it in her hands, wrapped it around my wrist, and clamped it in place.  She told me that it looked perfect on me and my Nana would be very happy to have me wear it.  

I have worn it every day since that day, about two years ago.  Sometimes it gets in the way, but most times I don’t even feel it hugging my wrist.  It is just a gentle reminder, when I look down and see the glistening silver, that my Nana is always with me.

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