Not-Things | Teen Ink


September 27, 2023
By 4indermuehle GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
4indermuehle GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“What’s one thing you can’t live without?”

Too hard a choice.

It’s like a mother being asked which of her kids are her favorite.

Or asking a coach to choose one special player.

I could live without the easy stuff

like lipgloss, pencils, or random knick-knacks.

but what about the other things I’d be losing?
If I choose my wallet, 

then what about my bed?

If I choose my car, 

then what about my wallet?

If I choose my bed, 

then what about my car?

There are things that I can’t live without,

but I can’t weigh one higher than the other.

I think the only thing that would outweigh everything else

Is something not materialistic. Not-things.

My family.

My friends.

My job.

My dance team.

My morals.

My accomplishments.

But no,

I have to choose a thing.

So what is a thing?

“An inanimate material object.” -Google

What would connect things to not-things?

A phone.

What a teenager thing to say,

That my phone is more important than the other things in my life.

I probably could go without my iPhone,

But I couldn’t give up the photos, the messages, or my organized calendar.

Life without it would be like walking through a dark room

And praying you don’t stub your toe on something.

I use my phone to schedule my work,

Teaching young kids how to dance.

It’s one of the most rewarding not-things,

And my phone helps me be there.

I use my phone to take photos,

Organizing my memories so I don’t forget.

Memories are a not-thing I couldn’t live without,

And my phone helps me remember.

I use my phone to communicate,

Texting, calling, or even sending funny TikToks to my friends.

Connections with people are an important not-thing to me,

And my phone helps me make those connections.

It’s a hard choice, but I think I know the answer to

“What’s one thing you can’t live without?”

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