Dreaming Before Daybreak | Teen Ink

Dreaming Before Daybreak

July 4, 2023
By jwang3888 SILVER, Royersford, Pennsylvania
jwang3888 SILVER, Royersford, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I plunged into lukewarm pellucid waters, taking one last glance at the radiant, cerulean-tinted sky before the glistening sea swallowed me with peculiar grace. Beaming sun rays reflected off the serene sea like an endless mirror’s reflection, and I wonder what laid on the other side of the vast nothingness. In sudden notice, a surge of vitality overcame me, allowing me to propel myself effortlessly through the aqua, like an airjet on a cloudless summer night. I squint my eyes, perceiving a faint illumination ahead in the translucent water. I feel reluctant to inch closer, but before I was able to, my world fell into perpetual darkness.

I jolt awake, still dazed. My eyelids flutter gently, my waking and sleeping lives intertwining, only to sense the fading, hushed whispers of crickets encircling me as beads of rain came trickling down my windowpane, each droplet racing to reach the edge of the chilled glass. The earth had received yet another gentle cleanse from the dull sky above. Nature had been neatly polished to perfection, and drizzling dew was beginning to form on the lush, verdant grass, the kind that tickles your toes as soon as your skin comes into contact with it. A warm spring has arrived once again, the air with the sweet fragrance of peonies stretching up towards the billowing clouds, on the verge of blooming season. I am suddenly cast with a soothing sensation as my fingers trail along the milky white rayon sheets of my bed, my mind wandering to the lucid images from my dream during the night. In my youth years, I loved the mystifying aspect of the sea’s endless zone and depth. It gifted me with an innumerable amount of possibilities. 

I open my blinds, peering out at the damp earth and hazy sky that softly paints the environment of my home in warm shades of peach and crimson, acting as a painter’s personal palette, my silently standing rooftops as if it's a blank canvas before unlatching my window. The dawn’s rosy glare glinted through my foggy window frame as a light gust of wind hit me, and flowing through each strand of my ebony hair evenly, that was still in volume from my bedhead. I breathed in the pristine morning air, knowing inside that I will never forget this dream of mine.

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