Sibling POV | Teen Ink

Sibling POV

June 2, 2023
By 4torresy BRONZE, Waukesha, Wisconsin
4torresy BRONZE, Waukesha, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am the second oldest in my family, the only boy out of my household. I have one older sister and she is my best friend. I see here sometimes as a walking hormone, one minute she is fine the next she spits fire at everyone. 

I have always been the jokester of the family, Yeliana doesn't like my jokes sometimes, especially when she is already upset. She likes to hit me on my arm when I've said something stupid. She may be older than me but I still take her down, that sets her off even more like a ball of fire on the top of her head. 

Even though you've heard some bad stuff, My sister and I have been stuck at the hip ever since I was born. We have done everything together, just like that one time we rode down the street on our bikes with the fresh crisp air hitting our faces, giggling all the way down the street. 

One time during a snowstorm our mother was gone at work at night, I was in my sisters room because the power went out. We heard noises coming from the dining room, obviously we were afraid because no one was supposed to be in the house. We ended up jumping out of her window and ran to the nearest person we saw. We ended up finding out it was our little sister after the cops came and did a search around the house. 

Another time is when my little sister had an accident and my mom stayed in the hospital for almost a month. We only had each other during that time, she would always ask me if I was doing alright I would always say “yeah i'm doing fine.” She would never believe me though. 

I love my sister—even though we never say it to each other because that would be weird. 

The author's comments:

I am the older sister in the writing. I decided to do a piece on how my younger brother sees me. I showed the piece to him and he thought it was very funny. I love my little brother so much and i thought this would be a nice piece to write.

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