What is Home? | Teen Ink

What is Home?

May 23, 2023
By alia GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
alia GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

May 24, 2021. I just moved to Wisconsin, and our house isn’t even finished yet. The Anderson Builders misjudged how much time they would need, so we’re stranded in a Hilton 20 minutes away. I’m staying in Milwaukee—it seems similar to Philadelphia, but it’s too soon to tell. I really liked that city, and to compare a new one so fast would be insulting. The moving process has been a drag, and it’s been increasingly difficult to enjoy it here. Continuous visits to our house out in Hartland keep me feeling positive, but keeping the hotel room clean is a demanding task—not to mention having to finish out the school year in it.

July 15, 2021. The builders did a great job with our home, and we are happily moved in. Summer league is well underway for the upcoming soccer season, and I seem to fit in well here. However, entering high school as a junior has its own challenges. Aside from the obvious difficulty in making friends, small, unnoticeable things are all different, and adjusting to them is going to take more time. It could be the flattened landscape, or even the NFL games’ start time. They seem so insignificant (and they are), but it truly does add up. The approaching school year is anything but exciting; although, there is a strong opportunity to make some friends. I haven’t gotten to explore much yet, but Milwaukee is growing on me. It’s the food that I enjoy the most, but the slowed pace (compared to Philadelphia) is also very interesting to me. Another amazing detail that everyone seems so used to is the interchange ramps that are intermingled just outside of the city. It’s so simple, but I guess that's what makes it so incredible.

August 9, 2021. A few friends from soccer just invited me to Pewit’s Nest. I’m not sure what it is, but it definitely sounds like a good time. “Wow,” I couldn’t hold my excitement back. It looks just like the Schuylkill River Trail from home. Bright green trees stand tall above the lengthened crater in which we stand. Water is flowing gently downstream towards us, only brushing the hanging moss and impressive rock structure. Large groups of people can be seen hiking above, while smaller groups jump from hundreds of feet through the air. I am hoping this is truly what Wisconsin is like. 

November 25, 2021. I’m now on Thanksgiving break, and everything has been going well. It’s slightly cold for my liking, but I also know that it’s only going to get worse. Family from home flew out to visit, and we are going to check out Lake Geneva. Again, I am extremely impressed. All it took was breakfast at a local diner called Egg Harbor Cafe in the little town and a slow stroll around the bright blue body of water. Seeing the homes that lined the water was something I’ve never experienced. They towered over the calm lake which I stood by. Each individual home had its own style, something I’ve never seen before. I was able to see many similarities to Pennsylvania, but it definitely felt different. That was the problem though—I couldn’t figure out what felt so different.

June 23, 2022. Summerfest? I had grown a habit to try anything and everything that was new to me. To be honest, I only really hold this routine due to the Culver's cheese curds I was so brave to try. Nonetheless, I drove out to Milwaukee with some friends to check out this festival. Let’s just say that Philadelphia wasn’t unmatched anymore. The several crowds of people that surrounded each individual stage amazed me. I was able to hear several artists live for the first time, and I could choose what I wanted to listen to. Summerfest was like Spotify in real life to me.

May 17, 2023. The newness of Wisconsin has since worn off, but the unique qualities I discovered have definitely not gone away. I only have three more months which I will stay here for, and soon I will be off to Florida State University. Nonetheless, I can now look back and realize all of the amazing things Wisconsin has to offer. In just over two years of residence, I can easily recognize the quality present. There’s no denying everything Wisconsin and its businesses have to offer. So, for just a short time, Wisconsin has been my home. 

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