The Firework Show | Teen Ink

The Firework Show

February 12, 2023
By Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
31 articles 6 photos 0 comments

On 31st of December in 2022, my parents and I paid a visit to Disneyland in Shanghai. Our aim for this journey was to watch the famous Disneyland’s fireworks show, making an end for our wonderful year 2022.

In the last minute of 2022, all visitors started to countdown the time: “ Fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven......ten, nine......three two one!”. The fireworks show began. I turned around, observed the expressions of other people and tried to soak myself into the abundant joy of the first day of 2023. It was so touching that all the audience showed their love and happiness in all kinds of ways. A father held his two children with one in his right hand and another in his left hand; a young woman made a video call with her parents and tried to show the beauty of fireworks to them; a young couple hugged each other and cheered for the arrival of the New Year; an old couple snuggled together with tears in their eyes; a little girl danced around her parents exultantly and asked her parents whether she can come to the Disneyland next year again.

The fireworks floated on the sky in so elegant way that we thought they were eternal. In the bunches of fireworks, millions of hopes and dreams were transferred from the birth of a spark to the recession of it: I will get into that university in 2023; I will propose to her in 2023; I will save money and buy my mother a dish-washing machine in 2023; I will travel to an exotic country in 2023; I will stick to a self-disciplined plan in 2023; we will be happy and healthy in 2023.

Fireworks show gives people a means to store their dreams and transfer their wishes. The luxuriant view of fireworks smoothes the anxiety and fills the hollowness of people’s hearts. We raise our heads and appreciate the fleetness of the colorful sparks; we let go of the past year’s regret and embrace new possibilities of this year; we are grateful that we still have time to become a better person and applaud for our abilities to move on.  

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