The Truth Behind The Questions | Teen Ink

The Truth Behind The Questions

January 3, 2023
By Syrus BRONZE, Bloomville, Ohio
Syrus BRONZE, Bloomville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many mysteries in my life, many unsolved questions that float in my brain which have brought me to my interest in philosophy. The questioning of life, of our reality, what's real and fake, good and evil, many people say they have the answers but how many have actually solved the question? A recent quote has taken hold of my mind and refuses to be ignored.

 “Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have a holy curiosity. Make your life worth living.” -Albert Einstein. 

This quote despite being a few sentences can speak for ages. I'm a loner, I like to keep to myself and have a small friend group. I often question myself if this is the life I want to live, do I want to be a loner? Sometimes when I'm drifting off to sleep this question makes itself known and I have yet to find the answer. It is true that since I'm alone most of the time my brain drifts to questions like these and I try to answer them but can never seem to. Do I enjoy the life I live? Should I try and change myself to fit more into the world around me? Do I deserve the life I have been given? These questions appear in my mind from time to time and I have yet to find the answers. I do have fun in my life and am happy, but is that from the devices I surround myself with or is it from genuine joy? A lot of times I'm content to continue being the person I am, a fickle, calm, and cheerful person who likes to stay out of the attention of others. Is this person really me or a product of circumstances in my life, should I try to be more like others around me or continue to live the way I do? Do I deserve all that has been given to me in my life? The devices, my friends and family, and the other materialistic things. What have I done in my life to earn these, what can I do to prove I earned these, or what does the future hold for me to show if I really do deserve all these luxuries? Philosophical questions like these are why I enjoy philosophy. They help find more to ourselves and to the world around us. They help expand our minds to what our world is, what it can be, and what it was before.

“...Have a holy curiosity.” It is true that while I am alone many questions appear in my head but those questions are not always bad. The questions that appear in my head have led me to many of my interests today and I have no doubt that they will continue to do so in the future. Whether the questions in my head are philosophical or just plain random questions, I always end up with more than what I started with. Whether that is my interests or even more questions.

“...Make your life worth living.” As Albert Einstein said we, and more specifically in this case me, have to make the lives we have worth living. Sure I may question why I have this life when there are those out there who are more needing it than I am but I will do everything in my power to make my life as good as it can be and try to make others happy along the way. “ search for the truth…”. There may not be a truth to the questions in my head or there could be a simple or complex answer to them either way its with the nature of these questions that there is a different answer for each person and for me, or for a time being, I do enjoy the life I have, I should live my life the way I want and not try to be someone I am not, and I do deserve the life I live and if some think otherwise then I'll do everything I can to prove I deserve this life. A philosophical mind is a double edged blade, it opens our mind to the light of the world but first it has to shut us in the dark.

The author's comments:

This was for an assignment in my creative writing class and was one of the most positively reacted and in general is about many questions everyone has once and a while.

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