The Proudest Veteran | Teen Ink

The Proudest Veteran

June 3, 2022
By laceyzawadzki BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
laceyzawadzki BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My hands, firm but gentle, placed on the back of a World War II veteran. A tough man who joined the military at 19 years old, someone who received multiple bronze stars. My hands, firm but gentle, boost up his 101 year old body proudly. 

“Are you ready to get into bed Ernie?” I ask. “Yes sweetheart, but what if I can't fall asleep again?” 

“If you can't fall asleep you can press your pendant and I'll come in and see what we can do, don't worry.” My hands, firm but gentle, lay the blanket over his body and tuck in the sides so he feels safe. 

“Could you stay a bit longer?” he asks, I sit on the end of his bed and look around his room, the bronze stars he received in the war are showcased on his walls, they make this white room feel warm. He notices me looking at his certificates and stars. 

“I joined the military when I was 19 years old, I was a nurse on the battlefield.” Although he's told me this story many times I can't wait to listen again. 

“Wow that's incredible Ernie” I reply. 

“I opened one of the gates to the concentration camp, I became best friends with one of the jews, and I got to release him.”  Ernie talked about this man a lot. I'll never forget how much he cared about him. I give him a warm smile and I continue looking around his room.

 “What do you want to be when you grow up?” he asks, 

“Well, I would like to be a nurse, that's why I started working here.” I reply with a smile, curious about what he will say. 

“I think you should go further, you could be a doctor, you would be an amazing doctor” If he believes in me why shouldn't I believe in myself, I have a World War II veteran telling me I should be a doctor!

“Well I hadn't really thought about that I suppose, I appreciate that Ernie”. I see his eyes getting heavy and I decide to head out, 

“Goodnight Ernie, sleep well. If you need anything I'm here”,  I turn on his fan that makes a light “shhhh” noise and I prop open his front door, he doesn't like to be completely alone. I walk through the halls passing by sleeping residents' rooms. My mind is like an overfilled suitcase that you try to fit everything in, there's so many thoughts rushing through it. I stare at the numbers on the doors, 117, 118, 119 I count in my head to try to keep my mind focused. This building is a safe, filled with so many stories that may never leave. The light flickers telling me goodnight as I walk near the front door. This place is my home. This place is a locked box. This place is where I belong. 

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