Thankful | Teen Ink


June 1, 2022
By EthanD BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
EthanD BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

School's out the spring weather is gone and the summer heat is back. After a long time waiting to get back to baseball I’m finally back on the diamond. A few minutes till game time coach has us kneel for prayer. The words “thankful for letting us play today” stuck out to me. I was finally playing ball again and I was truly thankful, my injury still wasn't fully healed and it wasn't going to be for a while but I was playing baseball. This helped open my eyes and see I may have some problems, but I have too much to be thankful for to have them weigh me down. 

Before I injured my back I took a lot of things for granted. I didn't really have a connection with god. I went to church when I had to I prayed at the dinner table but that was about it. I think the reason was because I didn't think I needed god. I saw him as more of a source for help than just someone you talk to.

At the very start of my injury I was mad I wondered why God would god do this to me. But as I came along I would ask him for help I tried to have as much faith as I could but it was hard because my back wouldn't seem to heal. I was angry I felt like everyone was getting better while I couldn't because I was sitting around with a back brace on. I wondered why God was holding me back I've been praying for so long, I felt like he wasn't listening. 

As time went on I slowly started getting better this would give me faith that God was there and he was listening. This is when I started to think what If I didn't have a mom that brought me to these appointments. What if my parents didn't have the money to afford these appointments, what would I do? That's when it really clicked that I am extremely blessed with what I have. This helped me realize kinda what I wanted my future to look like, and what I wanted to do.

After a long journey here I am now, I finally realize why God puts us through these hardships. I've been brought closer to God and have been made a better man. I didn't think it then but now I’m very thankful God put me through that because I don't know what kind of person I’d be if he didn't.  Life can be tough and there will be lots of struggles. It may not seem like it but all the struggle is happening for a reason, God has a plan and you've just got to follow it. So be thankful to be able to play baseball and whatever you enjoy because not everyone can.

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