First Day | Teen Ink

First Day

December 14, 2021
By Jedidiah SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
Jedidiah SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wave goodbye to my parents as I rush into line. “This is the big day” I think nervously as I balance my weight from one foot to the other. Hearing all the chatter from other classmates excited to see their friends again. 

           The night before I was so ready I sleeped with my uniforme on under my clothes even though my dad told me not to. But I was too hyper and did anyway. I study all the kids in front of me. They all look happy because they know each other but I have no one. I think, feeling a hint of pity wallow up in my stomach then simmer down.

“No, this is my day. I take a deep breath feeling an ice ball form around my feet, nervous to move.  “I got this” I think as I step out of line the ice ball shattering at my feet and I walk up to the front of the line where my teacher awaits. This is my time to introduce myself. I step toward the teacher with bags of school supplies in my hands .

 She looks down at me and smiles. She first “Hi” “Would you like me to take those from you.” I stare down at my bags, not knowing how to respond. I shake my head, no thank you is wanted to say but i just stood there like a fool .

I turn around and walk back to the back of the line with my head down, ashamed that I didn't say anything feeling embarrassed. Right on cue a cold hand grabs my wrist and stops me before I get back in line. I turned around to see whose hand was latched on to me.

It was my mom she flips me around and says “smile” as she takes out her phone and clicks a few photos before she hugs me and tells me to be good pushing me back into line I can't believe it she followed me in the school like most parents had done i was just too obvious and didn't notice her trailing me. 

Which means she saw everything I did. she saw my horrible excuse for a conversation starter feeling more embarrassed. I look around see the lines all start moving into one door and we are the last ones to leave as I think about what i did my cheeks fill with red 

Later that day while im zoned out as my teacher says something about a tornado drill but I didn't listen to it i was to busy wondering around in my imagination not even 10 minutes after the sirens started going off and we were all instructed to go down starts “not today” i thought why did this have to happen today tears start to stream down my face as we rush down stairs i see kids throwing their bodies to the walls onto their knees i do the same letting my mind race more tears leak out of my eyes 

Why does this have to happen today of all days why. Suddenly I hear a teacher talking about the drill and how nice we had done. I looked around relieved it was only a drill. If I had been paying attention I would have known that. 

My sister walks past me seeing my blood shot eyes comments “ scary uh” I nod and return with my class 

 My first day of school was a mess but it was funny the more i look back on it the more i laugh. And I don't find it embarrassing any more. I've done more embarrassing things and I will do more. I'm human and will mess up more then I will succeed but the important thing is I learn from my mistakes like I learned from this experience to not take everything so seriously.

The author's comments:

This piece talks about my first day of kindergarten, silly topic to be serious but i had to write this for a grade.

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